Sunday, May 19, 2013

6 Simple Facial Recipes for Glowing Skin

Spring-clean your skin care regime and experiment with a few natural formulas. These 6 simple facial recipes clean your pores, keep skin problems at a fair distance and will give your skin a healthy glow.

Make the grocery store your favorite place to purchase natural ingredients for your DIY spa sessions. Use the following 6 simple facial recipes to provide your complexion with a protective shield against damaging factors. Go green if you want to rule out the chance of any allergic reactions to the chemicals included in cosmetics.

1. Green Tea and Aloe Vera Facial

Show off your flawless and naturally radiant complexion after using this simple facial recipe. Create a green tea infusion and leave it covered at least 15 minutes. Mix 4 tbs of organic Aloe Vera gel with 1 tbs of green tea and apply it on your face. Leave out the sensitive areas around your eyes and give at least 15 minutes for the vitamins to penetrate the deepest skin layers. Finally wash off the treatment with tepid water.

2. Green Clay and Papaya Facial

Revitalize your complexion with a super-simple facial recipe. Use a blender to mix ? peeled papaya with 4 tsp of green clay and 1 ? ts of organic Aloe Vera Gel.

This amazing mixture of natural ingredients will inject vitality into your skin cells. Spread the facial all over your neck and face. Let the mask sit on for 20 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

3. Oatmeal and Cocoa Powder Facial

Hydrate your skin with this green facial recipe. Use a blender to mix 1/3 cup of cocoa powder with 3 tsp of raw oatmeal, 3 tbs of honey and 2 tbs of sour cream.

After you've obtained a super-fine paste cover your face with this mixture. Leave the face mask on for 15 minutes then wash it off with tepid water. See the glowy effect of your complexion.

4. Wheat Germ and Banana Facial

Unclog your pores and eliminate dead skin cells from the surface of your skin with this green recipe. Mix 1 mashed banana with ? tsp of Jojoba oil and 1 tbs of wheat germ. Massage this mixture into your pores for 3 minutes then leave the facial on for 10 minutes more before you wash it off with lukewarm water. Use this face mask recipe with confidence especially if you struggle with flaky skin spots or other skin problems.

5. Ricotta Cheese and Honey Facial

Nourish your face with the mixture of these two nutrient-packed ingredients. First warm a tiny amount of honey in the microwave. Then mix 2 tbs of it with ? cup of ricotta cheese. Apply the paste on your face and leave out the areas around the eyes. After 20 minutes rinse off the facial with lukewarm water.

6. Cottage Cheese and Cocoa Powder Facial

It's time to pamper your complexion with a soothing and cleansing facial. Use a food processor to mix 4 tsp of honey with 1 tbs of cocoa powder, 1 tsp of cottage cheese, 1 tsp of oatmeal and last 1 tbs of heavy cream. All these natural ingredients will guarantee the radiant look and soft texture of your skin. Spread the mixture uniformly all over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. The final step is to remove the facial with lukewarm water.

Simple Glowing Skin Facial Recipes

Credit: Thinkstock Photos

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