Sunday, September 22, 2013

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Fighting Free Radicals

We have all heard of free radicals, those pesky cells that move around our bodies causing our skin to sag and wrinkle. But how many of us know what a free radical actually is and the process behind the theory of free radical causing the signs of aging? A free radical is a molecule, in this case, and oxygen molecule, that is missing one electron in its outer shell. Electrons are usually paired and unpaired electrons cause a molecule to seek out another electron to pair with. So the free radical molecule 'steals' an electron from a normal molecule in the body, which causes damage to that molecule. This oxidisation of the molecule then starts a chain reaction of inflammation which results in the signs of aging that we are all trying to prevent.

Preventing free radical damage is pretty straightforward in theory. Free radicals cause oxidisation of otherwise normal molecules in the body so utilising anti-oxidants should eliminate free radicals. Anti-oxidants are molecules that can give up an electron without causing themselves any damage. A constant supply of anti-oxidants is required as free radicals are constantly being produced. Anti-oxidants occur naturally in fruit and vegetables so a diet high in both will not only make you feel better and look better, but will also help to keep you looking younger. Blueberries, cranberries and blackberries are all high in anti-oxidants. Pulses such as kidney beans, lentils, pinto beans and garbanzo beans are all low fat, high fibre and full of anti-oxidants.

A healthy diet is important if we want to look our best, but what about improving skin appearance from the outside in? CACI treatments in Stratford-Upon-Avon are a revolutionary new technique that utilises micro current technology to improve skin tone, elasticity and appearance. Originally designed to help stroke victims regain the use of their facial muscles, CACI has become one of the most effective anti-aging treatments of the moment. CACI is often termed a non-surgical facelift in Stratford-upon-Avon, and due to its non-invasive nature and the often startling results, it is a good description. Topical anti-oxidant treatments can also help to prevent wrinkles and skin aging. Vitamin A is an effective anti-oxidant and is most usually known as retinol in skin creams. Vitamin C is also an important anti-oxidant and is found in anti-aging treatments under the name of ascorbic acid. Vitamin E in the form of alpha tocopherol, niacinamide (a form of Vitamin B) and pomegranate extract are all said to be effective in treating the signs of aging, although clinical trials have not yet been carried out and any benefit is anecdotal as yet.

We can never beat the signs of aging completely, and a positive, fun-loving attitude will go a long way in making us attractive. But we can certainly help ourselves to look and feel better by following a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fruit, vegetables and pulses. A series of CACI treatments in Stratford-upon-Avon will go a long way to improving the appearance of our skin and reducing lines and wrinkles, and this coupled with the right topical treatments for our skin will go a long way to ensuring that we continue to look our best as we get older.

At Hair and Beauty we offer a range of treatments designed to help us look and feel great. Our non-surgical facelift in Stratford-upon-Avon is carried out by trained professionals and we can help advise you on a course of skin care that will suit your individual needs. For more information about any of our treatments or to book an appointment please call us today.

Top Keratin Straightening Complex Treatment at San Ramon, CA

People are today looking much into appearance and becoming more fashionistas. This is the reason why everyone is more concerned about her/his looks. For complementing the look to a modern level, a perfect hair-dressing plays a major role along with a good make-up. Even if you are making some good options for a bridal make-up and hair styling, your choice will be transformed into a good result.

Imagine you are residing in San Ramon, CA; where the people itself are so stylish that their preference for grand look is not more than normal. Thus, San Ramon, California can be your good location for getting transformed into a perfect diva if looking out for bridal hair and make-up in CA. the hair-dressing and styling products are today in great demand where one of the most recent of these is the use of Keratin in hair products.

Keratin is a family of fibrous structural proteins that can be traced in the outer layer of human skin as well as in reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals. If you are also looking out for the Keratin straightening complex treatment you can one of the best salons in San Ramon's different outlets. For further information on Keratin complex treatment you can also check for its 5 different types:

Restorative Infusion- a protective serum used to repair the damaged hair. Its infusion has nourishing oils to permeate deep into the hair and create a silky, shiny surface when sealed in with a flat iron.

Keratin Smoothing System- helps you smooth and straighten your hair. This treatment gives sheen to your hair and removes unwanted dryness and frizz.

Curl Calming Balm- the keratin curl calming balm can be used to decrease or increase the curliness of your locks so you can choose to have bouncy curls or smooth straight hair.

Smoothing and Hydrating Shampoo- Lots of shampoos contain damaging chemicals but keratin smoothing and hydrating shampoos are sulphate-free and paraben-free, so, they are gentle but effective on your hair.

Smoothing and Hydrating Treatment- This treatment deeply conditions your hair, detangling it and gently straightening it, while injecting it with vital moisture.

Besides, getting a perfect head of flowing locks, you can also avail skin care treatments at San Ramon's best salon for added advantages.


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