Sunday, September 8, 2013

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How to Get The Perfect Red Lips?

Screen legend Audrey Hepburn famously said, "There is a shade of red for every woman", vocalising a trend that has inspired many a design greats. Bill Blass and Valentino Garavani have built successful design conglomerates on the alluring properties of this colour. The colour red can instantly change a woman's demeanour, transforming her from a gawky wallflower to a woman on the prowl. It is no surprise then that so many women of late, are opting for this bold hue when it comes to lipstick shades. A dab of red, and a woman is ready to take on the world, metaphorically speaking of course!

Red, a hot favourite of the beauty industry, can easily be considered as a bestseller for most cosmetics brands when it comes to lipsticks. Every woman has a certain shade of red in her vanity case, a shade that she can rely on for those glitzy night outs or an important dinner. Creative fields such as fashion even give the liberty of wearing red lips to work, so much so that many women have adopted it as a signature, and would probably feel incomplete without it! No one can deny the appeal of perfectly stained red lips.

You can get the perfect red lips by following a few simple steps, a pre lipstick dabbing routine of sorts. To start off with, exfoliate your lips to remove the dead skin cells, you can use a scrub and then clean off with a tissue, after that hydrate your lips with a moisturising balm for long lasting lip colour. Allow the balm to sink into your lips for about 10 minutes. Then line the border of your lips with a matching lip liner, which will add volume to your lips and prevent the lipstick from bleeding colour. Then comes the all-important step of applying the lipstick. Once that is done, blend the lipstick with a lip brush to get complete precision. Allow it to settle into the lips properly. You can use a tissue dipped in moisturiser to remove any smudges around the lips. After wiping off the smudge marks, you can refine the lipstick colour with a lip brush. For the final touch, lightly dab a translucent lip gloss at the centre of your lips, avoiding the edges. So in just two simple minutes, you have yourself a perfect red pout!

Coco Chanel's iconic philosophy applies to make-up as well. So if you are sporting blood red lips, keep the rest of your face simple. A bit of eye-liner and a hint of eye-shadow are all you need! Red lips work best with black outfits, so ideally opt for an LBD. You can however be a little adventurous and don colours such as tan, electric blue and silver with red lips. Make sure to keep the look simple. Open hair or a no fuss up-do would complement ruby red lips. With a pout that's as red as yours, it's only fitting that you go on ahead, and paint the town red!

Communicating With Your Stylist - The Tips You Need Now

Have you ever noticed that trying to get an idea across to another person is kind of like playing the telephone game? You know the game: you whisper a secret into someone's ear, and that person whispers into someone's ear, and so on. Then, when last person reveals the secret out loud, it's always totally mangled, and wrong.

Communication is hard. In between what you say and what you understand is a matter of language, interpretation, and processing. It's important, then, that when you decide to try a new hairstylist, or to try something new, like hair extensions, with your stylist, that you go into it knowing how to get both of you on the same page. Here are a few tips on how to communicate effectively with your stylist:

  • If you have a picture of what you want, bring it, and think about how to talk about it. What is it about the cut, or the colour, or the length that excites you? Do you see anything that you're worried about, or that might not work for your hair? Any hairstyle is comprised of a number of different elements, and while one aspect stands out to you, something else might stand out to your stylist. If you don't have a picture, use your hands to demonstrate what you mean. Don't be afraid to look around the room at other clients, and stylists for inspiration.
  • Discuss the meaning of the words you use with your stylist. For example: if you're talking about warm, caramel tones, point out what you mean in a swatch book, or magazine. You never know what someone else pictures when you say caramel.
  • If you are making a big investment, like getting hair extensions, discuss your lifestyle, budget, and hair care regimen with your stylist, so that he or she can recommend the right type, length, and products for you. There is nothing scarier than approaching self-transformation blindly, not knowing if your stylist envisions the same end-goal as you. If your stylist recommends a certain kind of hair extensions that you have never heard of, ask for a clear description of the process, price, and upkeep, so that there are no surprises along the way.
  • Never stay quiet when your stylist starts to go in a direction you didn't expect. As soon as you suspect your stylist didn't understand you, ask him or her to stop, and explain your concern. If you're not afraid to speak up right away, your stylist will probably be able to change course, and give you what you're looking for. If you wait until the style is finished, and it's not what you expected, it might take more time and money to fix.

The right haircut, the perfect colour, and the most carefully placed hair extensions can allow you to sail through your days with confidence, so don't let the telephone game get you down. Use these tips to make sure that you and your stylist always see eye to eye.

This article is written by Jonathan Barrett. Kapello Hair is born with a desire to source the best quality hair in the world and to introduce a new level of innovation to the hair extensions industry. They provide a wide range of hair extensions by method, colour, length & type.

SmartLipo is Great For Fat Reduction and Has Become Smarter Too

SmartLipo is the latest advance in liposuction techniques. This cosmetic procedure is one of the best and safest ways for fat reduction. SmartLipo is a minimal invasive procedure that offers quick recovery time and minimal scarring. It involves laser technology to not only melt the fat, but also tighten the skin above those desired area. SmartLipo cosmetic procedures are great for those loose areas of the body that you just can't get to tighten up no matter how hard you have been working at it.

Liposuction in the past, doctors often times, wouldn't have an option or solution for looser skin. Today's technology brings laser light that gives Cosmetic Surgeons a great solution for tightening the skin! This procedure produces excellent results in those tough spots of the body like the abdomen, upper arms, and neck. Plus the good doctors will give you options on what you can do with the left over fat deposits once the Cosmetic Procedure is over. The Stem Cells found in fat often times are more plentiful and can be stored easily for later use. Now why would anyone want to store these cells you might ask? Keep reading and I will go into that in more depth.

The newest advances in Smart Liposuction involve MPX Technology, which now has 2 wave lengths. The old machines only had one wave length at lower wattages (the 1064) making it tougher to melt the skin. The newer MXP devices have 2 wave lengths; the lower wattage (1064), and then the High Wave Length (1320) which will heat water molecules and actually shrink and better effectively tighten the skin.

It may sound strange, but this fat that most want to shed, is actually very valuable and could even save your life one day. Researchers have also found a way to transform the fat deposits into Stem Cells, and collect these valuable Stem Cells much quicker than other methods, like skin cells. Storing the Stem Cells allows you to use these building blocks of life to regenerate organs or redirect the Stems Cells to build bone, heart, and brain cells.

Simple research on Google will help with finding a certified doctor by simply typing Top or Certified Cosmetic Surgeon Scottsdale, or maybe even Cosmetic Surgery Scottsdale if you are in the area. Dr. Todd Malan at Innovative Cosmetic Surgery Center in the Phoenix / Scottsdale, Arizona area is Board Certified and WELCOMES OUT OF STATE PATIENTS TOO!


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