Monday, September 2, 2013

how to anti aging ,anti-aging, anti ageing ,anti age

Simple Ways To Eliminate Fatigue and Tiredness As You Grow Older!

It is normal for you to want the delay the aging process for as long as possible, after all nobody likes and enjoys the idea of being old and frail. So it is a wish we all have to wipe away the symptoms of aging as we grow older.

Yes there are few ways that you can follow if you really want to get back your youthful vigor and eliminate fatigue (and tiredness) which gradually creeps into our lives as we grow older... here they are in no particular order:

1.) Drink Plenty Of Water Every Day!

I know this sounds cliche, but it will amaze you how many people know this but still don't do it! Drinking an adequate amount of water everyday costs you nothing but gives you a lot of health benefits.

One of the major reasons a lot of people feel tired and are constantly disturbed by fatigue is because they are not drinking plenty of water daily.

Look here... soft drinks, carbonated drinks, juice and the likes are not as important as water when it comes to reducing fatigue! You have got to prevent dehydration all the time, this is because it reduces the volume of blood in your body and this causes fatigue. Your physical and mental performance reduces when your brain is dehydrated even by as little as 3%!

Water would always remain superior to other drinks that are packed full of sugar which actually causes the dehydration that you are trying to avoid. Always ensure that you drink a glass of water the moment you feel tired.

I have a habit of moving around with bottled water... this is so that I can easily reach for my water when I am working. This is a lot better than having to go to the dispenser to get water especially when I am serious at work. Once my bottled water is beside me, I just keep sipping my water. You will feel a lot better when you begin drinking water and your tiredness would gradually reduce.

2.) Start Moving Your Body More And Begin Exercising!

As you grow older, you should mentally fight the idea that you should always remain in one spot! A lot of times, fatigue is as result of inertia! For people like me that sit on a desk all day and working on my computer occasionally... you need to start moving... moving your body means you are exercising. When you begin moving your body, your blood circulation improves and this result in an increase in your energy levels... which means tiredness fades away.

So to effectively reduce fatigue as you grow older, now is the time to grab the habit of exercising your body. This is a lot more important that you think. Just by exercising 3 times a week, you would notice a tremendous improvement in your bone density, balance, stamina and muscle strength.

You can start now, all you have to do is get up right now and stretch your legs and arms out a little and do some fast walking around the room you are in. Try to do this kind of mini-exercises every hour when you are indoors and gradually you would break the habit of being inactive.

Later on in the day when you are outside your work zone, all you need to do is march on the spot, run up and down any stairs, dance for 5 - 10 minutes or skip. You will feel better because your blood circulation would improve and increase the amount of oxygen that is supplied to your brain.

In your exercise sessions at the gym, make sure you include both strength training and cardio routines... doing this would help get you energized, inspire vitality, eliminate fatigue and slow down the aging process in your body considerably. So the major key here is to move your body more often and you would gradually remove fatigue from having a grip on your body.

3.) Begin Eating Healthier Foods Because It Helps A Lot!

Now is the time for you to avoid junk foods. Instead always ensure that you eat a nutritional breakfast every morning and follow it up with a lunch that is high in protein with a little amount of the healthy type or carbohydrates. You must get into the habit of doing this if you really want to remove fatigue from your life and increase your energy levels. My advice for you is that you stay away from eating high carbohydrates like pasta and white bread in the afternoons... this is because they can make you a bit sleepy and cause bloating.

Also to prevent tiredness from disturbing your life, you have got start eating lots of whole grains. Asides from being a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and providing fuel when you are engaging in strength training and cardiovascular exercises, they also help make you feel and look considerably younger than your actual age. The whole grains you go for must be intact and should not be the kind that has already been grounded into flour which would have already destroyed the fiber inside them.

One problem that can dampen your energy levels and prevent you from doing the things to fight tiredness is Osteoporosis. This is why it is very important that as you grow older you take lots of milk, skim milk, low-fat cheeses, broccoli and yogurt... all these are very rich in calcium which aids in preventing Osteoporosis. Also remember to supplement your diet with calcium supplements... men after the age of 65 and women that have passed menopause need between 1500 to 2000 mg of calcium.

You need to add more lean protein into your diet while cutting out sugary snacks and drinks... although these sugary drinks or snacks might give you a little energy, after one hour you will begin to feel more tired. If you need a quick snack, then go for seeds, nuts, yoghurt and fresh fruits, they are a lot healthier!

Still hang on there... I am not done yet! A major drain on your energy levels that can result in fatigue is when you eat too much processed meats! You know what I mean - the kinds of meats that are usually located at the deli counter in your neighborhood grocery store... these deli meats are usually full of nitrates. You need to be aware that nitrates have been found to be the cause of so many health issues, one of which is it reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen efficiently.

And finally... it is time to let alcohol go! We both know that alcohol affects our energy levels... so if you are above 65, you should NOT drink more than one glass in a day. While if you are below 65, do NOT take more than two glasses in a day! If you must take alcohol, please go for red wine... it has been proven to have some health benefits when you consume it in small and spirits should be thrown into the garbage if you really want to eliminate fatigue and tiredness.

4.) Take Short Powerful Naps Each Day!

If you want to boost your energy levels and revitalize your body so that you can accomplish all your daily tasks, then you need to take a short powerful nap! It does not matter how old you are... you have got to take short naps during early afternoons if you want to perform more effectively during the day. As little as a 10 minutes nap during early afternoon can give you a massive energy boost.

I know that it might not be as easy it sounds, because you might work in a public environment, however you can still take a very quick powerful nap... all you need to do is close your eyes for a few minutes, breathe deeply and slowly, clear your mind and then go back to what you were doing. You do not have to wait till its lunch break to do this; you can do it at your desk. When you eliminate fatigue, you would be more physically and mentally alert to focus on important tasks.

5.) Begin Taking Deep Breaths Always!

Breathing is automatic... right?... But the truth is that so many individuals don't breathe properly. When you take deep breaths always, you are helping your body cells get better oxygen and more nutrients in your blood. Also deep breathing helps in moving away toxins through your lymphatic system.

If your body is not detoxifying efficiently and effectively (taking deep breaths regularly helps here!), you are liable to inflammation, weight gain, muscle loss and FATIGUE! So start now as you are reading this web page and take a few deep breaths - I guarantee you would feel a lot better and more alert instantly!

6.) Laugh More Often!

As funny and absurd as this may sound, laughter has so many health benefits! This is because when you laugh, your body releases more endorphins which fight of the feelings of tiredness. It might even amaze you to discover that just the mere expectation of laughter raises your endorphin levels.

Even if you can't laugh loudly all the time, always look for something amusing to cheer you up. Watch some funny videos and read some jokes as often as possible. When you begin laughing regularly, gradually your fatigue reduces.

7.) Now Is The Time To Begin Using High-Quality Nutritional Supplements.

The nutritional supplements industry is filled with so many sub-standard products. Presently there are so many supplements that claim to be able to eliminate fatigue and increase your energy levels. Personally I use HGH supplements and Omega-3 fish oils supplements. These two kinds of dietary supplements are very good in increasing your energy levels and improving your physical stamina.

Using these two supplements regularly would help in boosting your energy levels, improving your memory, preventing mood swings or depression, reducing inflammation, helping in lowering the risk of chronic diseases (such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis) and in increasing your sex drive!

By using all of these tips, you would gradually discover that you no longer experience fatigue anymore... you would feel more energetic and your mental focus and alertness would improve tremendously. As we grow older, it can be frustrating to discover that our energy levels are no longer as high as they used to be and we begin to feel tired more often. When I clocked 40, I discovered that I was feeling tired more often than before... following all these tips that I mentioned on this webpage has restored my energy levels and I know you would have amazing results if you use them too!


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